La collection du Laboratoire Mémoire Cerveau & Cognition

Dernières Publications


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Mots clés

Prospective memory Alpha Immersive virtual reality Mind wandering Binding Heart rate variability biofeedback Embodiment Consolidation Future thinking Executive functions Active control group Sense of self Navigation Psychiatry Alzheimer’s disease Cognitive training Time perception Neuropsychology Theory of mind Ageing Anosognosia Intentions False memory Cognitive control Cardiac vagal control Schizophrenia ARIA Self-reference effect Psychedelic Sleep What-Where-When task Self-regulation Bodily self-consciousness Semantic dementia Cognitive stimulation therapy Respiratory sinus arrhythmia Virtual reality Temporal distance Source memory Time machine Addiction Episodic memory At-risk Neurology Vieillissement Admiration Episodic autobiographical memory fMRI Gender identity Semantic autobiographical memory Sex Adverse events Hippocampus Distance temporelle Psychological flexibility Recollection Theta Self-referential episodic memory First-episode psychosis Acquisition Machine learning Episodic future thinking Schizotypy DRM Action Memory Dementia Dual task Réalité virtuelle Metacognition Timing Encoding Mémoire épisodique Aesthetics judgement Surgery Acquisition de l’orthographe lexicale Self Free and cued selective reminding test Attention Epilepsy Aging Perspective-taking Neurofeedback Meta-analysis Absorption Alzheimer's disease Awareness Cognitive load Expertise EEG Working memory Charge cognitive Children Episodic autobiographical memory Autobiographical memory Cognition Amnesic syndrome Aesthetic experience MEMOIRE Memory binding test Mindfulness Awake active state Psychosis Alcohol use disorder