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Radiative transfer Radio lines ISM Accretion disks Cherenkov Telescope Array Photon Gamma rays general Magnetic field Pulsars general Instabilities AGN Astrochemistry Black hole Electron Gamma ray VHE Radiation mechanisms non-thermal HESS ISM abundances Galaxies jets Imaging Pulsar Gravitational waves Signature Interferometer Neutron stars Methods statistical Numerical calculations Horizon Structure Observatory Background Gamma ray Gamma-rays galaxies ISM structure General relativity Galaxies active Orbit Cherenkov counter atmosphere Submillimeter ISM Particle acceleration Star GeV Gravitation Relativistic processes Large-scale structure of Universe Flux Cosmology theory Power spectrum X-ray Density Acceleration of particles Magnetohydrodynamics MHD Shock waves Black hole physics VIRGO Supernova Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies Spectral Equation of state Galaxy MAGIC ISM molecules Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena Optical Performance VHE Gamma ray emission Astrophysics Dark matter Hydrodynamics BL Lacertae objects general Binaries close Blazar Cosmic rays Gamma ray burst ISM jets and outflows TeV Galaxies Seyfert X-rays binaries Cherenkov counter Cosmology GLAST Methods numerical Redshift Dark energy Gamma rays galaxies ISM clouds Astroparticle physics Energy high General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology Gravitational radiation Sensitivity Methods data analysis Accelerator Accretion Synchrotron Gravitational radiation detector Neutron star Gamma rays observations ISM supernova remnants Stars neutron